Tushar Ghosh教授開啟了“Technical Textiles”系列課程的二、三講,主題為特殊高性能結構和土工織物。從機織、針織再到編織,從一維、二維再到三維立體,他詳細講解了不同結構的特點,讓大家見識到結構的多變,體會到變化之美💸,結構之妙🧎🏻♂️➡️💂🏼;復雜的土工織物有待教授為我們下回分解🧚🏻。Yan HE(何琰)何艷教授接著昨日課程👩❤️👩,講解了國際零售業擴張模型🤵🏿♂️,她從各個方面分析零售業的發展,每個國家的戰略布局打不相同🧞;她旁征博引給我們帶來了一場了解零售業的盛宴。
來自美國北卡羅來納大學的Martin W. King教授第一次為2014國際紡織研究生暑期學校的同學們授課📑,他幽默風趣的講解方式使課堂充滿朗朗笑聲。讓大家見識到了醫用紡織品的作用🧑🏿🎨。課後,仍有同學向老師請教,願保持這份積極性。
Prof. Ghosh gave the 2th and 3th lesson about the series lessons of "Technical Textiles", subjected to the special high performance structure and geo-textiles. From weaving, knitting to weaving, from one-dimensional, two-dimensional to three-dimensional, he explained the characteristics of the different structure in detail, and let everybody observe the changeable and the beauty of structure. Professor will teach us the complex geo-textiles the next class. Prof. HE continued to lecture of yesterday, She explained the model of international retail expansion, and analyzed the development of the retail industry from all aspects. The strategic layout of each country is different. She brought us the feast to the understanding of retail.
Prof. King, who is from North Carolina State University, was the first time to give a class to 2014 summer school students. His humor interpretation way made the class full of laughter. Let students see the charm of medical textiles. After class, there were still many students to consult the teacher. We hope to maintain the enthusiasm of learning.