下午,來自美國北卡羅來納州立大學的Tushar K. Ghosh教授以“Innovation with fibers”為主題風趣幽默地向同學們做出精彩的報告,並播放以紡織材料為基礎的衛星發射視頻,令同學們大開眼界😙,深受啟發🧍🏻♀️。稍後,來自美國加利福尼亞大學的Yan HE(何琰)教授講授了題為“Introduction of Internationalization”的課程,以實際案例詳細介紹零售業的全球化特點及其影響,大大拓寬了暑期學校同學們的知識層面🈶𓀑。
Opening ceremony for “2014International Textile Graduate Summer School” was hold in Donghua University on June 30th. Prof. Qiu Gao, vice-president of Donghua University, Shu Huisheng, director of Graduate School of Donghua University, and Wang Xinhou, Secretary of Chinese Communist Party General Branch in Textile College of Donghua University, and other guests were present.
After the opening ceremony, this summer school began with two wonderful lectures. First, Prof. Yu Jianyong, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, gave a introduction to the innovation of textile science and technology development strategy. Form the view of a senior scientist, with the incisive words, Prof. Yu shared his thoughts on the key existing problems and future developing directions for China’s textile industry, and encouraged students to meet these challenges by doing fruitful researches. Then, Prof. Chen Nanliang, dean of Textile College of Donghua University gave a lecture on industrial textiles. By definitely classifying the industrial textile products, Prof. Chen analyzed the developing situation and trend of China’s and abroad industrial textiles, and encouraged studnets to improve themselves to meet the future challenges.
In the afternoon, Prof. Tushar K. Ghosh, from from North Carolina State University, made a brilliant report with the topic of "Innovation with fibers", during which, a video about the application of textiles on satellites amazed all of the students.Then, Prof. Yan HE, from Universityof California,taught a class “Introduction of Internationalization".With lots of examples, Prof. HE detailly explained thefeatures and effects of Internationalization, which greatly broadened students’vision.
Students took an active part in teachers’ questions and applaused for their wonderful speeches.